“Dry January?”
Many people assess their personal goals, professional goals, health/wellness, which can include alcohol use/abuse at the beginning of a new year. Here are some articles to help your resolve to either not drink altogether, have a “dry January”, or perhaps drink less.
New Year intentions!
Set intentions for 2020 and really do them!
Getting through the holidays.
Holidays can be a wonderful time of year for some and they can also be a difficult time of year for others. Here are some ways to manage holiday stress and family issues.
What therapists want people to know.
I bet most mental health professionals would agree with this.
Malignant narcisssim , narcissistic tendencies or something else?
I notice that narcissism gets thrown around as a descriptor more often these days. Perhaps its a new “buzz word” that people don’t fully understand? Even so, it is an incredibly powerful descriptor that should be used appropriately. People can sometimes present with narcissistic tendencies, but that is not the same thing as having a diagnosis. There are different types of narcissism. Check this article out to find out more and to make sure you are accurately using this descriptor.
The mind and body connection.
The body knows.
Signs your mental health may need some attention.
Do you ignore signs that your mental health may need some attention? Check this article out for help identifying the signs.
There are both pros and cons to diagnosis.
Diagnosis can be limiting and used in a pejorative manner. We need to be applying them with careful consideration.