Sober curious?
The benefits of taking a break from alcohol…even for a short time.
Are you suffering from burnout?
The emotional reasons that can lead to procrastination.
Ever wonder why procrastination is an issue for you? Check this article out and it may shed some light.
Grief and loss
Grief and loss do not discriminate. We will all be impacted by both at one point or another. Check this article out.
Why do people cheat?
Esther Perel is a clinical psychologist and an expert on relationship difficulties. See the talk below on infidelity. Esther has also written several books and has a podcast called “Where Should We Begin?” She has some great information to offer. Check her out.
Healing from trauma is possible…
Healing from trauma…
Do you have any siblings? If so, what is your relationship like with them?
Are mental health issues on the rise for young people?
Young people and mental health.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidance can be painful and lonely…
Private insurance being held accountable in the mental health and substance abuse epidemic.
Glad to hear judges are holding this insurance company accountable in some way. Mental health matters and unfortunately there isn’t a focus on prevention or response unless a crisis develops. Mental health and addiction related issues are sweeping the nation.