Alzheimer’s Disease
Take care of your gums/teeth and get enough rest, as a way to prevent Alzheimer’s per this article.
Do you have “grit?”
What the power of perseverance can do…
Where are you at on the spectrum?
The spectrum of addiction.
What is self-care?
The importance of self-care.
Smiling depression…
Do you or anyone you know suffer from “smiling depression?”
Preventing child sexual abuse
Although a bit heavy and can be difficult to confront, this is a very important topic that all people should be well versed on. 1 in 5 children in Utah will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Let’s face that reality and work towards prevention.
Are you resistant to starting therapy?
Why is it so difficult to go to therapy?
Self-compassion vs. Self-esteem
Kindness to the self.