Walking as exercise for the mind and body
Walking…it’s good for both the mind and body.
Shame and why it doesn’t work…
The power and toxicity of shame…
Work-life balance…is it a reality?
The notion of work-life balance is often a set up to resent work and feel defeated. Life is work, work is life. Freud said the beacon of sound mental health is being able to work and love. Work is part of life. Find meaning in it and have boundaries to feel empowered in your life and in your work.
Even happy people feel sadness and loss.
Avoidance of painful emotions can make them worse…
Opioids aren’t always the best and only option for treating pain.
Pain management methods.
Stop the Mental Health Stigma
Suicide Prevention
Dreams and what they mean.
The Power of Empathy…
What feeling empathy does
The difference between happiness and pleasure
Happiness and pleasure.