Healthy marriages have these ingredients.
Does your Marriage have these things? What are you doing well or what could you improve upon?
Aging gracefully…
Aging. It’s inevitable. How are you managing the existential reality of getting older?
Ego Strength…we all have it.
A bit about ego strength. Do you have a strong ego or super ego?
Untreated illness in the U.S.
Stats on untreated illness in the U.S. Many people don’t get proper mental or physical treatment. People often don’t realize that mental illness may be a precursor to physical illness or medical problems.
Anxiety…it’s common and treatment is important
Anxiety disorders are very common and therapy can be an effective way to help eradicate symptoms.
Both partners sharing childcare promotes more happiness
Childcare sharing leads to happier marriages and improves sex lives of couples.
Sexualization of girls contributes to eating disorders
Sexualization of girls can lead to lots of problems including eating disorders, mood disorders and low self-esteem.
Friendships help people feel happier :)
Friendships=happiness. Do you have loyal and trustworthy friendships? Connection with others is something we all crave. People usually do and feel better with connected relationships in their lives.
PTSD doesn’t have to last a lifetime.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Research shows that talk therapy helps. PTSD is something I specialize in.
Women who do it all and loneliness can be the cost.
Great article about the pressures women face to balance and juggle being a mom, taking care of a home, working and more. Often women get left feeling lonely because their social life gets placed on the back burner. Women and loneliness